27 Nov 1870

Mrs. Oldfield
The Quinton Rectory
Nr. Birmingham

Bicester Vicarage
Nov.br - 27th - 70

My dear Mrs. Oldfield

No apology was needed for your introducing yourself to my notice and most gladly will I try to put to paper my recollections of your Sainted Mother & my prayer is that a double portion of her spirit may fall upon her children so that they may all be bright & shining lights in this Godforgetting world - Our first meeting was at my Uncle’s house in Bath in 1815 I was about 9 years of age - She shared my room for the night - being on the way to Clifton where she was to be placed with a Miss Hensman who took six young ladies to finish off & was reported to be a very earnest Christian seeking to train them up in the right way - I went to School being 9 years of age in Bath - but my Uncle in Bath under whose charge I was went abroad & left me to spend my holidays with his Brother Mr Fountain Elwin in Bristol & it was under his roof that your dear Mother & myself met and talked together of Jesus -  for we shared the same bed and long nights our conversation was on the sermons we heard from dear Mr Elwin. She must have been six years or so my senior - and having many advantages of ministerial advice &c at Miss Hensmans which I had not in Bath - We used to correspond during the half year & her letters were great comforts to me - strengthening me in my Christian course & most faithful was she to me in pointing out any errors she perceived in my opinions as tending to take me off the simplicity of my foundation which she used so to impress upon me must be an entire Christ - She left Clifton and we lost sight of each other for a time - but heard of each other - I went on a visit to Mr. Gordon who was her Guardian & placed her at Clifton. Mrs. Gordon was Sister to Mr. Elwin which was the cause of his taking so much interest in her - There I was first told of your Fathers wishing to marry her & arrangements were being made to that effect - I also there became acquainted with the Dewar family who had been great comforts to her in many little troubles she had in her engagement to your Father. I did not see her however till three years after her marriage when in consequence of your Fathers ill state of health they both came to Bath - to be under a Dr. there - I was living with my Mother in Bath as she had returned from the West Indies and I then saw a great deal of them both - She needed much sympathy then for your Father was reduced to a great state of weakness - the Dr. he was under was not up to his exhaustion & your poor Mother did not know what to be at – so we advised her taking him away from his charge - Miss Dewar was with them then, & urged the same course - which they followed & I believe went to Brighton at once. I married soon afterwards and lived in Guernsey some years - so that we have never heard much of each other since - except the unexpected arrival of 4 little Girls and then - that she had entered into her rest - also of your Fathers second marriage to Miss Dewar  - Now this is really the sum & substance of all I can recollect - so that I hope you will receive it as a simple statement and if it is a comfort to you to know that our intercourse was always carried on on a spiritual foundation I am sure it rejoices me much to be able to afford you that comfort - If there is any thing I can write or say more I am quite ready to answer any enquiries you may make & hope you will not be delicate in making use of me - I conclude you are the wife of a clergyman as also I am. May they both be found accepted ministers of Christ Jesus - & we helps meet for them amongst these people - Yrs sincerely
B Watts

I never recollect hearing of one relative of you Mothers - Mr Gordon was the sole manager of all her affairs.

Postmark date: 
27 Nov 1870
B. Watts (childhood friend of Charlotte Bevan)
Mrs Oldfield (daughter of Charlotte Bevan)
Mrs Oldfield, The Quinton Rectory, nr Birmingham