
Image looking up at the facade of The Regency Town HouseThe Regency Town House at 13 Brunswick Square, is a grade 1 listed terraced home in the heart of Brunswick Town, a Georgian estate in the City of Brighton & Hove on the Sussex coast.

Built in the 1820s, the Town House is today being developed by staff and volunteers as a heritage centre and museum. Its activities are funded through The Brunswick Town Charitable Trust, a registered charity set up to support the project in 1994.

To discover upcoming exhibitions and events, browse snippets of local history or to find out what our volunteers have been up to, please subscribe to our monthly newsletter.

Upcoming exhibitions & events


Heritage Open Days 2024

Friday 6th to Sunday 15th September

This year the nation's largest community heritage festival celebrates its 30th anniversary!

Man in red overall holds out a piece of plaster moulding to show to a woman watching

There will be more than 40 free things to see and do in our immediate area and many hundreds more around and about the South East. more…


Heritage Open Days exhibition:
featuring the 'Marion May Collection' of historic costume

Sat 7th & Sun 8th September
Sat 14th & Sun 15th September
11:00am - 4:00pm

(Tea room open on Sat 7th and Sun 15th only.)

The Regency Town House is throwing open its doors for an exhibition curated and presented by our Research, Costume and Events Teams.

On the left, a photo of a blue-gray silk dress, on the right, a photo of the title part of a hand-written document

Displays include historic costume collection, architectural designs and artefacts from our archive and Town House merchandise. more…

And the TEA ROOM open on Saturday 7th and Sunday 15th.


My House My Street

A collaborative, community project

Lower Market Street signIf you are interested in the history of your house and street, the MyHouseMyStreet project is for you. Explore the project at MyHouseMyStreet or contact us to get involved.

Bevan and Dewar letters

Insight into Regency Brighton

Bevan family letterTake a look at our collection of transcribed letters, written from 1824 to 1870, which provide an insight into family life during the late-Regency period.

Local History

A Frenchman's visit to Brighton

Discover our detailed transcription of le Comte de la Garde's articles 'Eight Days at Brighton' and our translation of his later volume 'Brighton; scènes détachées d'un voyage en Angleterre'.