Make a donation
It can be quite a struggle to meet our running costs and we welcome any donations that help us to do so.
Once our core costs are met, this is what we will spend your donation on:
- Put MyHouseMyStreet back online
- Migrating this website to a new platform
- Install new lighting to the rear drawing room
- Restore the basement rooms
Donations from overseas
Our supporters in far-away places can make secure online donations using PayPal or a Sterling debit card.
Go to our secure page hosted by Charities Aid Foundation to
make a donation
The Regency Town House is funded through
The Brunswick Town Charitable Trust,
a charity registered in England number 1012216.
If you prefer, send to the address below made payable to:
'The Brunswick Town Charitable Trust'
The Brunswick Town Charitable Trust
c/o The Regency Town House
13 Brunswick Square
Brighton & Hove
…or make a BACS bank transfer directly into our account:
Bank: NatWest, Castle Square Branch, BN1 1DP
Account: The Brunswick Town Charitable Trust
Sort code: 60-30-09
Account number: 66904617