27 Aug 1824
Aug 27 1824
Dear Charlotte,
Your letter arrived in course and gave us a good account of your husbands health. I dare say that he found himself refreshed by the sight of the ocean of which you have so good a view from your Residence in Burling, for [Sussex] - as those houses were built last Summer, I should not be surprised if you found some symptoms of Damp and that you do not continue the lodgings that you have taken for a week any longer. We have had some few fine days since we arrived home & no doubt [-] [-] [-] [barely legible entry] you have got better acquainted. On the evening that we left Gloucester Place – we had a very violent tempest wh[ich] [-] [barely legible entry] I and when we slept last night, in conformity with Richards express commands that we should [-] no [-] [barely legible entry].
I suppose that Richard has received such a letter as he demands to have from his mother with plenty of nonsense for I was not around to see it or to add a few lines of my own nonsense. Your mother is nearly blind, her eyes being much indisposed. You must expect no more [-] from her for [-] [barely legible entry].
Walcot was dangerously ill during our absence, [-] [-] [-] [barely legible text] - he is still very weak – he thinks himself that this is a consumption, his looks are very bad.
Your mother has lost the last letter, I must therefore reply out of my own head
With our love to you both, I remain, yours affect[ionatel]y SB