Fabulous Historical Costumes on display.

Week Ending 07/09/2014

We had another busy week-end period this week with visitors coming to see the Sillhouette and Costume Exhibition. It's been rather nice to meet so many people who have come in to find out all about Silhouettes; to look at the costumes; see the interior of the RTH for the first time; or just because their eye was caught by the poster outside. Quite a few of these visitors have been from overseas and it's also very rewarding for Volunteers to be able to pass on information that will travel to so many different places.

Keep in mind that this weekend (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) will be the final showing of our fabulous historical clothes and of some of the valuable silhouettes we have been given on loan.

We are so very lucky with our costumes, because of the dedication and generosity of a most unusual woman. Marian May has been collecting historical costumes since the early Seventies, and her extensive collection includes some unique garments. She also is able to provide provenance for all the garments she has, and her tales invest them all with personal stories which add to their interest.

But the most amazing thing about Marian is that she is not associated with any Society or Trust, and has hunted down and acquired everything in her collection entirely on her own. We were lucky enough to have on display one of the very few extant maternity dresses from the Eighteenth century; a Nineteenth Century dress with modern pockets (a fashion which did not otherwise feature in women's clothing until around the turn of the 20th Century). We were also able to display one of the first synthetic outfits: - a 1930's costume made from Rayon: the wonder-product from America. Please come to take a look if you are interested: - these garments are not accessible through public channels.

We said goodbye last Friday to one of the most prolific Interns we've been fortunate enough to have working with us. Kim, from Switzerland, was a real dynamo and in her short time with us managed to do the equivalent of the work it would take two other interns the whole summer to complete. Not only this, but she managed to involve herself with the day-to-day running of the RTH, meet not only other Volunteers but visitors, and keep us all supplied with Swiss Chocolate. We wish her all the best for her 3rd year at University and know she will be an asset to any organisation with which she is associated after Graduation.

Work in the Basement at No. 13 keeps on keeping on: last week our skilful plasterer, Paul Robinson, began the process of repairing all the skirting in the large kitchen. Amazing how such a seemingly small repair – when compared with having to completely restore walls and ceilings – can go such a long way towards making a space truly look like room once more.

At the same time our new painter, Ricky, has been at work on the Area at No. 13 and has almost finished painting the doors and windows down there.

If you aren't going out between 7 and 8pm this Friday, tune in to the BBC. Curator Nick will take part in Mark Forrest's programme where he and others will be discussing Heritage Open Days.

Please keep in mind, too, that we are having a film night on the 17th – next Wednesday - where we will be showing an early comedy-adventure movie shot on location in Brighton over 40 years ago.

We will also be having a stall and information point down in The Laines this Sunday as part of the BODs weekend and would love to see and chat to any Friends of the Townhouse who would like to come and see at first-hand details of what we've been up to.

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