Information - Miss Sarah Forbes Bonetta mini-exhibition

Miss Sarah Forbes Bonetta mini-exhibition
Event Date
Thursday 6th September

Event Times
The Regency Town House
13 Brunswick Square
Brighton & Hove
East Sussex
Brighton and Hove Black History present a poster exhibition telling the story of the life of Miss Sarah Forbes Bonetta, a West African of royal blood, orphaned in a brutal massacre in her home country when just eight. She was captured and later given by Frederick Forbes to Queen Victoria. She was impressed by the girl's exceptional intelligence and had Sara raised as her goddaughter. The Queen was pleased to give her sanction to be married in St Nicholas Church in Brighton in August 1862. The wedding party, which arrived from West Hill Lodge in ten carriages and pairs of grays, was made up of White ladies with African gentlemen, and African ladies with White gentlemen. Captain Forbes said of Bonetta that "She is a perfect genius; she now speaks English well, and has a great talent for music. She has won the affections, but with few exceptions, of all who have known her. She is far in advance of any white child of her age, in aptness of learning, and strength of mind and affection".
The Regency Town House is located in the middle of the east wing of Brunswick Square.
Public Transport Details
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On-site Parking
Nearby NCP car parks and limited (paid) on-street parking.
On-site Toilets Available

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