The House library

Our collection of 18th and 19th century texts, and contemporary works on architecture, design, construction, and history.
Focused principally on the Georgian and Victorian eras, the library contains texts on architecture, construction, interior design, and social, political, and economic history. The collection includes original works from the 18th and 19th centuries, contemporary material from established publishing houses, and self published pamphlets such as the Town House Times, our friends' newsletter.

Title Authorsort descending Categories
Arlington Court: the carriage collection Hesketh-Prichard, Cicely Carriages, Transport history
The black moth Heyer, Georgette English Fiction
Devil's Cub Heyer, Georgette English Fiction
Charity girl Heyer, Georgette English Fiction
Friday's Child Heyer, Georgette English Fiction
George IV Hibbert, Christopher 1924- George IV 1820-1830, Biography
William Kentridge: Fragile identities Hickey, Tom (editor) Kentridge William - 1955-, Artists - South Africa
On history Hobsbawm, Eric History & philosophy
The Age of revolution Hobsbawm, Eric J. Europe - History 1789-1848
Old Brighton – a collection of prints, paintings and drawings Hollingdale, Eileen Brighton, Illustrations, History
The old town of Brighton Hollingdale, Eileen A. & McCarthy, N.J. Walking tour - Brighton
The old town of Brighton Hollingdale, Eileen A. and McCarthy, N.J. Self guided walks, Brighton
Brighton in retrospect Hollingdale, Eileen A; Drummond, H. Illustrations, Brighton, History
Letters from the past: from John Hunter to Edward Jenner Hunter, John; Jenner, Edward Physicians - England - Biography, Physicians - Correspondence
Panoramania! The art and entertainment of the ‘all-embracing’ view Hyde, Ralph Panoramas, Exhibitions
George Scharf’s London: sketches and watercolours of a changing city, 1820-50 Jackson, Peter Scharf George 1788-1860, London in art
County bank failures: the Brighthelmston bank of Messrs. Wigney 1842 Jenkins, Peter R. Banking, History, Brighton
The Southeast Jenkins, Simon Southeast England - Guidebooks
Bygone Brighton John, Malcolm & Brighton Library & County Library Lewes Brighton - illustrated history
Bygone Brighton John, Malcolm & Brighton Library & County Library Lewes Brighton - illustrated history
