The House library

Our collection of 18th and 19th century texts, and contemporary works on architecture, design, construction, and history.
Focused principally on the Georgian and Victorian eras, the library contains texts on architecture, construction, interior design, and social, political, and economic history. The collection includes original works from the 18th and 19th centuries, contemporary material from established publishing houses, and self published pamphlets such as the Town House Times, our friends' newsletter.

Title Authorsort descending Categories
A Portrait of Shoreham Elliott, A.G. Shoreham - History
A Portrait of Southwick Elliott, A.G. Southwick - History
Another portrait of Hove Elliott, A.G. Hove, Photographs
The Noels and the Milbankes: their letters for 25 years 1767-1792 Elwin, Malcolm Milbanke - Family of, Noel - Family of
How to read local archives 1550-1700 Emmison, F.G. Palaeography, Old handwriting
Introduction to archives Emmison, F.G. Archives, Historical research
County records: Quarter sessions, Petty sessions, Clerk of the Peace and Lieutenancy Emmison, F.G. and Gray, Irvine Historical research - County records
Material for theses in local record offices and libraries Emmison, F.G. and Smith, W.J. Local history, Research
Mrs Jordan: the duchess of Drury Lane English Heritage Theatre actresses, Jordan Doretha 1761-1816
Building regulations and historic buildings: balancing the needs for energy conservation with those of building conservation: an Interim Guidance Note on the application of Part L English Heritage Building regulations - Historic buildings, Historic buildings - Energy conservation
Old cooking utensils Everleigh, David J Household cooking utensils 1600-1900
Changes in Brighton and Hove’s suburbs: Preston and Patcham 1841-1871 Farrant, Sue Brighton - History, Hove - History
Medieval Sussex: a bibliography Farrant, Sue Bibliographies
Domestic bygones Fearn, Jacqueline Social life and customs, Household appliances - History
A history of England: from the coming of the English to 1918 Feiling, Keith England, History
Another side of Brighton Fines, Ken; Ball, Clifford Self guided walks, Brighton
Images of Brighton Ford, Jill and John; George, Harriet and Peter Art, Brighton
Ackermann 1783-1983: the business of art Ford, John Art, Britain, Ackermann R
Walking about Hove: Brunswick Town Forrest, D. M. Walking, Hove
Some medieval records for family historians: An introduction to the purposes, contents and interpretation of pre-1538 records available in print Franklin, Peter Family research, Historic research
