The House library

Our collection of 18th and 19th century texts, and contemporary works on architecture, design, construction, and history.
Focused principally on the Georgian and Victorian eras, the library contains texts on architecture, construction, interior design, and social, political, and economic history. The collection includes original works from the 18th and 19th centuries, contemporary material from established publishing houses, and self published pamphlets such as the Town House Times, our friends' newsletter.

Title Authorsort ascending Categories
Report on the architecture of the two towns Regency Society of Brighton & Hove Architecture, Regency, Brighton, Hove
Brighton ghosts, Hove hauntings Rackham, John Ghosts, Brighton, Hove
Repair of Ancient Buildings (SPAB) Powys, A. R Historic buildings - Conservation and restoration - Great Britain
Below stairs Powell, Margaret Powell, Margaret - 1907-1984
Disease, medicine and society in England, 1550-1860 Porter, Roy Social medicine - Great Britain - History, Health services - History
Sins of the fathers: A study of the Atlantic slave traders 1441-1807 Pope-Hennessy, James Slave trade - History
The fall of the House of Usher and other writings Poe, Edgar Allan 1809-1849 American fiction, Short stories
The integration of location based services in tourism and cultural heritage Pletinckx Daniel Heritage, Tourism
Lost treasure ships of the twentieth century Pickford, Nigel Underwater archaeology
In the houses of Ireland Photographs: Walter Pfeiffer; text: Marianne Heron Architecture - Ireland
Holiday in Brightelmston: a Regency adventure Pennington, Judy Fiction for children
Joseph Pennell’s pictures of war work in England: reproductions of a series of drawings and lithographs of the munition works made by him with the permission and authority of the British Government ... Pennell, Joseph 1st world war
The Horse buses of Brighton and Hove Peasgood, Adrian Brighton - History, Hove - History
St Andrew’s Church (The Old Parish Church) Hove Peachey, Geoffrey E.; revised by Reygate, Frank Churches - Hove
The Georgian Group book of the Georgian house Parissien, Steven Georgian architecture
Regency style Parissien, Steven Houses, Interiors, Regency
The Soanes at home: domestic life at Lincoln’s Inn Fields Palmer, Susan Soane John 1753-1837, Architects - Biography
The life and times of George IV Palmer, Alan George IV 1820-1830, Great Britain - Monarchs
How to locate and use manorial records Palgrave-Moore, Patrick Manorial records, Family history
Dublin: a grand tour O’Brien, Jacqueline and Guinness, Desmond Architecture - Dublin Ireland - History
