The House library

Our collection of 18th and 19th century texts, and contemporary works on architecture, design, construction, and history.
Focused principally on the Georgian and Victorian eras, the library contains texts on architecture, construction, interior design, and social, political, and economic history. The collection includes original works from the 18th and 19th centuries, contemporary material from established publishing houses, and self published pamphlets such as the Town House Times, our friends' newsletter.

Title Authorsort descending Categories
Fashionable Brighton, 1820-1860 Dale, Antony Houses, Brighton
The life of Charles Darwin Darwin, Francis, Sir 1848-1925 Darwin Charles - 1809-1882
East Sussex sentences of transportation at Quarter Sessions 1790-1854 Davey, Roger Transportation - Prison sentences
Strike while the iron's hot : Frank Dean's life as a blacksmith and farrier in Rodmell Dean, Frank, 1916-, edited by Susan Rowland Blacksmiths - Biography, Dean Frank – 1916-1994
The gorgeous Georgians Deary, Terry Georgian era, Juvenile literature
A brief guide to kings & queens of England and Great Britain Delderfield, E., Cook, D.V. Great Britain, Monarchs, Biography
Great Expectations Dickens, Charles English Fiction
The Royal Pavilion, Brighton Dinkel, John Royalty, Brighton, Buildings
The Industrial Revolution: Britain, 1770-1810 Downs, Jonathan Britain, Industrial Revolution 1770-1810
A Victorian seafront walk Dunkley, Sue; Hart, Emma; Matthews, Chris Walks, Brighton
Sussex Bibliography East Sussex County Library Bibliographies
Regency style of Leamington Spa Edwards, Paul Francis Leamington Spa, Architecture - Regency period
An early portrait of the villages and hamlets of Brighton and Hove Elliott, A. G. Brighton, Hove, History
A second portrait of Portslade and Brighton Elliott, A. G. Portslade, Brighton
An Early portrait of Brighton and Hove: Coast and town Elliott, A.G Brighton, Illustrated history
Another portrait of Portslade Elliott, A.G Portslade, Photographs
A Portrait of Portslade Elliott, A.G. Portslade - Illustrated History
A Portrait of Shoreham Elliott, A.G. Shoreham - History
A Portrait of Southwick Elliott, A.G. Southwick - History
Another portrait of Hove Elliott, A.G. Hove, Photographs
